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Our Work

Dungarvan SPA Overview

A project that will combine drone mapping and local knowledge to build a comprehensive picture of the ecological , recreational and socioeconomic value of the SPA.

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Marine Hydromorphological Standardisation approaches

Working across European partners in partnership with the Joint Research Centre as part of ECOSTAT. Considering each member state approach and provide gap assessments and improvement recommendations. 

Habitats Directive Forestry Assessments 

Working with Irish government and semi-state partners to deliver licensing in a streamlined, environmentally responsible manner. 

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Biogenic Reef Assessment 

European wide project with ECOSTAT examining the level of Biogenic consideration in Marine Hydromorphological Classifications across Europe. This project provides a starting point to find similarities in process in addition to the opportunity to learn from those that have been pioneering new approaches.  

Habitats Directive Standards 

Working with the Forest Service to deliver applied  standards on environmental mitigations for aquatic and terrestrial features of concern; including Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Salmonids , Lesser Horseshoe Bat and Annex 1 habitats . 

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Non-Productive Investments. Working with DAFM Agriculture and Environmental Structures Division and CP Teams to translate  the painstaking work designing environmental improvement actions into 100% AA compatible actions through appropriate adaption and mitigation.   

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